4 research outputs found

    Pest risk analysis for Bactrocera invadens : Guidelines on Pest Risk Analysis

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    Stripping related moisture damage has been recognized as one of the major pavement distresses since the early 1990s. The main objective of this study is to establish an effective test protocol to quantify moisture susceptibility of asphalt pavements. To this end, selective test methods (Texas Boiling test, Tensile Strength Ratio, Retained Stability, and Hamburg Wheel Test), and procedures based on surface chemistries and molecular-level mechanistic properties have been investigated in this study. Firstly, a comprehensive list of literature related to moisture damage in asphalts was reviewed. Based on the literature review, a detailed project plan and test matrix were developed. Binder samples originated from two different crude sources were collected. The moisture resistance related tests such as static contact angle measurements and Texas Boiling tests were conducted. Besides, asphalt binders’ nanomechanical properties using an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and surface chemistries using a static contact were evaluated in the laboratory. Based on limited test data and analysis, it is concluded that there does not exist any single test method that all agencies are comfortable and equipped to follow in their daily work as each technique has some merits and demerits. However, the Texas Boiling test is found to be the simplest method that requires minimal time and resources. On the other hand, surface chemistry and atomic force microscope-based techniques are becoming popular among researchers and pavement professionals. Findings of this study are expected to help ARDOT in selecting an appropriate moisture resistance test method that is simple, reliable, and easy to implement in their routine work

    Highly active antiretroviral treatment against STLV-1 infection combining reverse transcriptase and HDAC inhibitors.

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    International audienceApproximately 3% of all human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-infected persons will develop a disabling inflammatory disease of the central nervous system known as HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis, against which there is currently no efficient treatment. As correlation exists between the proviral load (PVL) and the clinical status of the carrier, it is thought that diminishing the PVL could prevent later occurrence of the disease. We have conducted a study combining valproate, an inhibitor of histone deacetylases, and azidothymidine, an inhibitor of reverse transcriptase, in a series of baboons naturally infected with simian T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (STLV-1), whose PVL was equivalent to that of HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers. We show that the combination of drugs caused a strong decrease in the PVL and prevented the transient rise in PVL that is seen after treatment with histone deacetylases alone. We then demonstrate that the PVL decline was associated with an increase in the STLV-1-specific cytotoxic T-cell population. We conclude that combined treatment with valproate to induce viral expression and azidothymidine to prevent viral propagation is a safe and effective means to decrease PVL in vivo. Such treatments may be useful to reduce the risk of HAM/TSP in asymptomatic carriers with a high PVL

    Qualité, équité et diversité dans le préscolaire

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    La question de l’éducation des très jeunes enfants a gagné en importance et en visibilité un peu partout dans le monde ces dernières années. Pensée au plan international comme un droit des enfants à l’éducation dès la naissance, dans le cadre d’une éducation pour tous (Unesco), elle bénéficie, depuis une quinzaine d’années, de l’apport de nombreuses recherches comparatives. Ce numéro 53 de la Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres s’intéresse au travail mené actuellement par certains courants de la recherche autour des notions et valeurs de qualité, d’équité et de diversité dans le préscolaire. À travers ce prisme, les auteurs, issus de pays choisis sur les cinq continents, interrogent le sens accordé à l’éducation des jeunes enfants en Angleterre, au Brésil, aux États-Unis, en France, en Italie, au Japon, en Nouvelle-Zélande, au Sénégal et en Suède. En étudiant les politiques et les pratiques de leurs pays, les auteurs s’efforcent de répondre à la questions de la qualité de vie quotidienne des jeunes enfants dans les structures éducatives, à celle des pratiques pédagogiques, des dispositifs, des collaborations, des partenariats nécessaires pour l’assurer, à celle des réponses apportées aux nouveaux besoins des familles et des sociétés. Les réponses qu’ils proposent sont une invitation à aller plus loin. The issue of early education for very young children has grown in importance and visibility around the world in recent years. Seen internationally as a children's right from birth onwards, in the context of education for all (UNESCO), the field has benefited over the past fifteen years from a great deal of comparative research. This 53rd issue of the Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres focuses on work being carried out by a number of research movements on the concepts and values of quality, equity and diversity in preschool education. From this perspective, the authors, from selected countries across all five continents, explore the meaning given to the education of young children in Brazil, England, France, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Senegal, Sweden and the United States. Studying the policies and practices of their respective countries, the authors attempt to answer questions on the quality of life of young children in educational institutions, on teaching practices, systems, collaborations, partnerships required for education to function and the responses being offered to the changing needs of families and societies. Their answers to these questions invite us to think further. Issue coordinated by Sylvie Rayna, INRP (Institut National de la Recherche Pédagogique - INRP), University of Paris 13. Durante los últimos años, el tema de la educación de los niños pequeños ha ganado importancia y visibilidad en todo el mundo. Considerado a nivel internacional como un derecho de los niños a recibir educación desde su nacimiento, en el marco de una educación para todos (UNESCO), este tema goza, desde hace unos quince años, de la aportación de múltiples investigaciones comparativas. Este número 53 de la Revista internacional de educación de Sèvres se centra en el trabajo que actualmente llevan a cabo determinadas corrientes de la investigación, acerca de las nociones y valores de calidad, igualdad y diversidad en el ámbito preescolar. A través de este prisma, los autores, procedentes de países elegidos en los cinco continentes, estudian el sentido acordado a la educación de los niños pequeños en Inglaterra, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Francia, Italia, Japón, Nueva Zelanda, Senegal y Suecia. Al estudiar las políticas y las prácticas de sus países, los autores se esfuerzan en responder a las cuestiones relativas a la calidad de la vida diaria de los niños pequeños en las estructuras educativas, a la de las prácticas pedagógicas, los dispositivos, las colaboraciones, las asociaciones necesarias para garantizarla, a la de las respuestas aportadas a las nuevas necesidades de las familias y de las sociedades. Las respuestas que plantean incitan al estudio avanzado del tema. Un número coordinado por Sylvie Rayna, INRP, Universidad de París 13

    Confiance, éducation et autorité

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    Pas d’éducation sans autorité ni sans confiance. Et pourtant, il semble qu’il soit devenu urgent, partout dans le monde, de rappeler cette évidence, voire d’interroger ces notions faussement limpides. Nourri d’études inédites et d’approches diverses, ce numéro 72 de la Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres se propose d’observer la place et les formes de la confiance dans dix pays aux contextes très variés : Angleterre, Bénin, Brésil, Cambodge, Chili, Djibouti, Finlande, France, Nouvelle-Zélande, Portugal. À quoi tient la confiance dans les classes, dans les établissements et au sein des systèmes éducatifs ? Comment la mesurer et à quelles conditions la soutenir, quand crise de l’éducation et crise de la confiance semblent aller de pair ? Posant des diagnostics, définissant des concepts opératoires, les auteurs montrent à quel point le champ pédagogique n’est pas indépendant du social, du politique et de ses événements. Ils s’engagent pour formuler des propositions originales. C’est une philosophie concrète de la confiance qui est proposée ici, en tant que condition de la démocratie et mode d’action pour une éducation de qualité. There can be no education without authority or trust. And yet, across the world, it seems that there is an urgent need to reiterate this obvious fact, and indeed to examine these falsely clear notions. What forms the basis of trust in classrooms, schools and education systems? How can it be measured, and on what conditions should it be supported when the education crisis and the crisis of trust seem to go hand in hand? Enriched by original studies and diverse approaches, Issue 72 of the Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres seeks to observe the place and forms of trust in ten countries with very varied contexts: England, Benin, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Dijbouti, Finland, France, New Zealand, and Portugal. Producing diagnoses, defining operational concepts and formulating original suggestions, the authors show the extent to which the teaching sector is not independent from the social and political sphere and its events. What this issue offers is a concrete philosophy of trust as a condition of democracy and a mode of action for high-quality education. No hay educación posible sin autoridad ni confianza. Y, sin embargo, parece que se ha vuelto urgente recordar, en los cuatro rincones del planeta, esta evidencia, e incluso interrogar estas nociones falsamente límpidas. ¿De qué depende la confianza en las aulas, en los establecimientos y en los sistemas educativos? ¿Cómo medirla y bajo qué condiciones sostenerla cuando crisis de la educación y crisis de confianza parecen ir juntas? Alimento por estudios inéditos y aproximaciones diversas, este número 72 de la Revista internacional de educación de Sèvres se propone observar el lugar y las formas de la confianza en diez países con contextos muy variados : Inglaterra, Benin, Brasil, Camboya, Chile, Yibuti, Finlandia, Francia, Nueva-Zelanda, Portugal. Formulando diagnósticos, definiendo conceptos operativos, los autores muestran hasta qué punto el campo pedagógico no es independiente del social, del político y de sus acontecimientos. Se comprometen para proponer unas propuestas originales. Es una filosofía concreta de la confianza que se expone aquícomo condición de la democracia y modo de acción para una educación de calidad